Eye Health


Eyes are one of the most fascinating parts of our body that God created! And He also created some pretty cool plants to protect them.

I got my first pair of "real glasses" last month. I'm so thankful for them but wasn't excited to know my vision is weakening. I'm 48 so I know it's expected but I still wanted to make something to support my vision. So here we go!


Bilberry: Has been suggested as a treatment for retinopathy (damage to the retina) because anthocyanosides appear to help protect the retina. Bilberry has also exhibited protective effects against macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataracts.

Eyebright: Due to its astringency and anti-inflammatory actions, eyebright is an effective treatment for conjunctivitis as an eye bath. It is also traditionally used in blepharitis, red eye, stye, for poor visual acuity due to eyestrain or diabetes and corneal opacity.

Goji berries: The bioactive compounds in goji berries are found to contain high quantities of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are known to reduce the risk of eye diseases related to AMD.

Schisandra berries: Have been known to improve vision and muscular activity.

Gingko: The flavonoids found in ginkgo may help stop or reduce some problems with the retina, the back part of the eye. It's been know to preserve vision and support those suffering from AMD.

Do some of your own research and grab some vision support today!