Magnesium & Mineral Bath Salts


And why did I choose to make this??


What do we need magnesium for??

"Because it activates your stored Vitamin D to turn into ACTIVE Vitamin D - and that's the first gateway of health." 👆👆👆👆👆. This is a BIG DEAL!

"However, oral synthetic magnesium doesn't work. 💊 Less than 1% of the magnesium in them actually gets absorbed."

What is the most effective way to get to cell saturation???



That means it's not a pill, it's a soak.

Our skin is the largest organ of the body that can absorb the magnesium, taking it to our lymph system.

Soaking bypasses our gut and moves our red blood cell numbers."

Ingredients: Magnesium Chloride flakes from the Zechstein Seabed, Dead Sea Salt, Himalayan Salt, Sodium Bicarbonate, Rose petals OR Dried Ginger, 100% All Natural fragrance oil

20 oz

1/4 cup for foot soak in warm/hot water for 20-30 mins. 1 cup for a bath. If you are super deficient and often get cramps or can't sleep, or just know you need to saturate with some healthy stuff, then use 2 cups.